Hello fellow adgrunts. And so, the Adland Roundup continues! Enjoy Part 2 of the ads.
Scariest Ambulance Ride:
Central Beheer - Ambulance (2007) 0:70 (Netherlands)
Worst Remix:
Easy-Off Bam - Remix (2007) :30 (USA)
Best On the Street Interview:
Kleenex - Let It Out - long (2007) :60 (USA)
Too concept-enhancing supplements ingested (possibly? either way seems like they were a good trip):
Coca Cola - Birdman (2007) 0:60 (Argentina)/ONCE - Realizador (2007) 0:60 (Spain)/Renault - Fisherman - (2007) :45 (UK)/Orangina - Naturally Juicy (2007) 1:45 (France) - and print
Best Choreographed Nudes:
Vaseline - Sea (2007) 1:30 (USA)
Best Real Effects:
Orange - Belonging - (2007) :60 (UK)
Best 2001 Space Odyssey Nod:
Clearblue Easy - Pee Ship - Cable Version (2007) :30 (USA)
Best Use of Honesty:
The Hargrave Pub - Counselor/Hair Down There/Hospital (2007) 0:15 (Canada)
Funniest Use of Bugs:
Toronto Zoo - Bugzibitz Trip/BugsRock-HissYou (Canada)
Best Neon Sign:
Lux Soap - Neon Girl (2007) 0:60 (Argentina)
Best Mutations:
Altoids - Half Deer Edwards/Blowhole Bob/Australian Double Back/Banana Hands (2007) 0:30 (USA)
Creepiest Milking:
Sour Skittles - Milk / Stable (2007) :30 (USA)
Worst and Cheapest Use of Nudity:
Bluefly - The Catch (2007) 0:30 (USA)
Best Mascot Betrayal:
ESPN - Betrayal (2007) 0:30 (USA)
Best TV Channel Promo
Canal+ - Les Moutons/Brokeback (2007) 0:55 (France)
Creepiest Dead Shiller:
Orville Redenbacher Kettle Corn - Outtakes (2007) 0:15 (USA)
Tres Bizarre Hair:
Toohey's Extra Dry - HarvesTED (2007) 1:30 (Australia)
Scariest Killer Grandfather Clock:
National Pork Board - Shove/Flush (2007) 0:30 (USA)
Scariest Kitten:
Kansas City Zoo - Koala (2007) 0:30 (USA)
Best Choreographed Day at the Pool:
Nestle Drumstick - Summer Rituals (2007) 0:60 (Australia)
Best Crash Test Squirrel:
Ministry of Transport Finland - Crash Test Dummies (2007) 0:60 (Finland)
Sauciest Soft Serve:
Dairy Queen - Chocolate Sauce (2007) 0:30 (USA)
Related Posts:
2007 Adland Roundup - A look back at the year in advertising
2007 Adland Roundup - The Ads - Part 1
2007 Adland Roundup - The Ads - Part 3
2007 Adland Roundup - The Ads - Part 4