Activision Call of Duty - FA-BOOM - (2013) :30 (USA)

NO6 Editor Chan Hatcher recently set to work with Biscuit Director Aaron Stoller via 72andSunny in a new campaign for “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” the latest of Activision’s popular Call of Duty franchise. From the street to the dentist’s chair and beyond, the new :30s find Call of Duty fans miming the game’s explosive action in the most unlikely places.

Client: Activision Publishing
Product: Call of Duty: Ghosts
Title: “FA-BOOM”
Live Date: October 13, 2013

CEO: Eric Hirshberg
EVP, Chief Marketing Officer: Tim Ellis
SVP, Consumer Marketing: Todd Harvey
Senior Director, Consumer Marketing: Matt Small
Director, Consumer Marketing: Carolyn Wang
Consumer Marketing Manager: Karen Starr
Associate Consumer Marketing Managers: Andrew Drake, David Cushman

Agency: 72andSunny
CCO: Glenn Cole
CEO: John Boiler
CSO: Matt Jarvis
Executive Creative Director: Frank Hahn
Creative Director, Writer: Josh Fell
Creative Director, Designer: Rey Andrade
Lead Writer: Jed Cohen
Lead Designer: Jeremy Wirth
Writer: Matt S. Spicer
Art Director: Will Lindberg
Junior Designer: Drew Vaughan
Group Brand Director: Mike Parseghian
Brand Director: Luke Lamson
Brand Manager: Morgan Murray
Brand Coordinator: Maura McNulty
Chief Production Officer: Tom Dunlap
Director of Film Production: Sam Baerwald
Executive Producer: Dan Ruth
Senior Film Producer: Oscar Thomas
Director of Business Affairs: Christine Claussen
Business Affairs Manager: Jennifer Jahinian

Production: Biscuit Filmworks
Director: Aaron Stoller
Managing Director: Shawn Lacy
Executive Producer: Holly Vega
Head of Production: Rachel Glaub
Producer: Jay Veal
Production Supervisor: Jen Berry

Editorial: NO6
Executive Producers: Crissy Desimone
Senior Producer: Kendra Desai
Editor: Chan Hatcher
Assistant Editor: Kyle Whitmore

Finishing and Visual Effects: Method Studios
Executive Producer: Robert Owens

Telecine: C03
Colorist: Dave Hussey
Producer: Denise Brown
Assistants: Jim Harmon and Ryan Dale

Music and Sound Supervision: Bullet
Producer: Patrick Oliver

Sound Design: Henry Boy
Sound Designer: Bill Chesley
Executive Producer: Kate Gibson

Mix: Lime Studios
Mixer: Rohan Young
Assistant: Jeff Malen
Producer: Jessica Locke

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