adgrunt comments

Toste's picture

I love great billboards. Billboard creatives are the unsung heroes of the highways, there is so much absolute dreck out there.

Toste's picture

Wow, he's aged hasn't he? Looks like a kid in this spot. You can find all David Spade spots here more from the coors light are on page two but I don't see a spot called Fake ID.

Toste's picture

You know Dabitch has upset some people when there are this many anonymous comments.

Toste's picture

Cheap Chinese watches getting famous because this is a controversial statement now. 2022 is wild.

Toste's picture

I honestly loved this campaign so much that I want to work on fashion branding again.

Toste's picture

That was perfection.

Toste's picture

Hal escaped a plane hijack once.

"I just opened the goddamn emergency hatch, jumped out and ran like hell," Riney told The Chronicle that year. "I zigzagged while I ran, expecting shots that never came." Coming home, he circulated a memo to his staff that read, "A belated thank you for your concerns while I was on that airplane. Actually, my research shows that there were 37 in favor of rescue, 29 in favor of blowing up (the airplane) and the remainder undecided."

Toste's picture

Too clever by half, the problem being that they can't reach their target this way like you point out.

Toste's picture

I'm a fast talking man fan, also for the promise "when you have to have it overnight". Shame this promise doesn't hold up when a simple closed door prevents delivery!

Toste's picture

Who is that actor? I know him, but can't recall where I've seen him before.