Miller Lite - Definitely Probably A Big Game Ad / Metaverse ad (2022) :60 (USA)

"Welcome to the first ever Big Game commercial aired in the Metaverse. It’s just like reality, but with worse graphics."


Look, I don't know how you "air" commercials in the Metaverse, but I appreciate the tongue-in-cheek mocking of Super Bowl ad tropes. We got robots, talking animals, dramatic music, EXPLOSIONS, galloping horses, aliens, a relatable farmer, and more. All that is missing is twins. 

Ad agency: DDB

CCO: Ari Weiss

Director: Jason Zada,

Music: JSM Music, Joel Simon

Sound: M ss ng P eces

Voice actor: Tim Dadabo

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Every year someone does this. And every year we forget all about it.