APG "Source of" (2017) :30 (USA)

Eat them for protein. Eat them for B Vitamins. Eat them for healthy fats. Eat them for yum. Eat them for when you have to stay late at the office again and that project manager skipped at six because she had to go walk her dog again, and you just know she means she's not coming back no matter how late the team has to be there, so no one's ordered dinner and she's all passive aggressive about it saying "I could order it but you know how late it takes Door Dash to arrive at this hour, it probably won't be there till like eighty thirty or nine, how late are you going to be there again?"

Client: American Pistachio Growers
Directors: Steven Weinzierl and Ben Dolphin
Client: American Pistachio Growers
Agency: Thjnk NY
Agency Creative Directors: Georg Baur & Torben Otten
Production Company: The Collective @ LAIR
Executive Producer: Mark Aji
Head of Production: Theresa Loguercio
Practical Animation: Brian Haimes
Associate Producer: Lara Geis

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