Aspen Park - Belissimo 1 (2007) 0:30 (Brazil)


Client: Aspen Park Shopping Center
Account Director: Cidinha Coquemalla
Account Executives: Miriam Araujo, Leticia Yoshimoto and Ana Lucia Garcia
Media planning: Patr"cia Candida Soares
Agency: Sol Propaganda
Creative Director: Walter Thome Jr.
Art Director: Vanderlei Cirino
Designer: Roberval Buzon
Copywriter: Jefferson Matsumoto
Commercial Director: Moracy Jacques Junior
Production company: Jacques Video
Sound: Ronaldo Gravino
Sound Company: Estudio Digi&Tal
Client Approval: Carlos Eduardo Albuquerque and Marisa de Oliveira

Aspen Park Shopping Center is located in Maringa (city + region population around 1 million inhabitants), in the state of Parana, Brazil.
Thanks to its really beautiful decoration, the theme of the campaign is "Belissimo Natal" (Very beautiful Xmas).

This time of the year, everyone is Santa Claus. So there they all are, in Aspen Park, buying great brands and having a good time.

So much for tradition: interesting how Santa HAS to wear the same heavy coat as in Northern Hemisphere, even when we've been having some 40° Celsius this December in Brazil.

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