- 'Bank Job' - (2013) (Canada)

DDB Canada brings us this odd little bank robbery and car chase, where the brilliant mastermind behind the robbery is only doing it for free advertising for his car. A wee bit like how some ad people perpetrate hoaxes in the hopes of maybe making a video go viral and get press that way. You can't blame the guy for trying really, a live chase on air will get that phone number seen by lots of people, obviously, and maybe one of them is even interested in buying a car.

“Most people aren’t car experts,” says Mike Davidson, Senior Vice President, DDB Canada. “So buying or selling a vehicle can be an intimidating and stressful process. offers a suite of tools to facilitate the endeavour and help consumers shop for vehicles with more confidence. This new positioning provides a great creative opportunity to demonstrate the various tools and innovations with which arms consumers.”

ad agency: DDB Canada

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