AXE Hair - The Messy Look / Boat - (2013) (UK)

Axe are marching into the finishing touches of mens grooming with a series of hair styling tools. But what is this stuff, and how do you use it? Stepping away from their by now seriously tedious naked women fall out of the sky creative tactic, these hairstyling ads are a subtle demonstration of how to apply which product to achieve the right results. Do it right and a pretty woman will magically appear. Oh, I see what you did there Axe.

In this one, handsome man on a boat experiencing a heavy storm demonstrates "the messy look". Boat not included.

Agency: BBH, London
Creative Team: Harry Orton and Robin Warman, Mark Lewis and Matt Fitch
Creative Director: Gary McCreadie and Wesley Hawes
Deputy Executive Creative Director: David Kolbusz
Producer: Glenn Paton
Strategic Business Lead: Ngaio Pardon
Strategy Director: Jonathan Bottomley
Strategist: Tim Jones
Team Directors: Heather Cuss/Roxane Gergaud
Team Manager: Cressida Holmes-Smith

Production Company: Caviar
Director: Nick Jasenovic
Executive Producer: Anna Smith
Producer: Neil Cray
DP: Ben Todd
Post Production: Framestore
Editor/Editing House: Sam Jones at Cut+Run
Sound: Factory Studios
Sound Engineer: Sam

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