B-Reel wishes you a merry christmas

"We’ve put our R+D heads together and created two experiences for your pre-holiday pleasure: one for desktop and the other for mobile."

Jingle MoBells

Jingle that Christmas tune you know and love with your mobile. Select solo mode for a private concert or the more social choir mode where you and four friends can make beautiful music together. (And when you select bells, keep swiping to get a bonus sound!) Please use your mobile browser.

Festive Dinner Dash

The second treat is a gnawty little desktop game we built in WebGL. Become a Yeti on a last minute Christmas shopping spree, use your webcam to eat the food flying from the shopping cart.


Apart from creating this fun for us, B-Reel wants you to know that they consolidated the budgets for all personal gifts across all six offices and sent the monies to Médecins Sans Frontières. We know this gift will come in handy for less fortunate folks around the world.


Happy Holidays!

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