Barbarians and Dancers in Samsung's Z Fold3 & Z Flip3 launch film (2021) :60 (USA)

Samsung has released this launch film showcasing the innovative features of their Galaxy Z Foldables, providing an immersive user experience.

The film features various characters, including dancers and barbarians, highlighting how Samsung's Foldables can inspire users to "Unfold Your World."

The spot starts with a dancer using the Z Flip3 in Flex Mode to livestream her dance in a carpark.
Meanwhile, a man in the backseat of a car is watching a show about barbarians on the front screen of his Z Fold3; after unfolding it to the bigger inner screen, the barbarians appear to have taken over the street.

The dancer becomes fully immersed in her dance, as if performing at a major festival together with hundreds of other dancers. The film ends with the promise of an unparalleled experience: "Experience like no other. Unfold your world."

Ad agency: Ogilvy, New York

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