Gerber only just discovered the "Charlie bit my finger" video, or perhaps it took them this long to secure the rights. They use the Charlie biting scene as an educational minute to teach parents why babies bite, and alert those who are suckers for cute baby-videos that this is a good age to introduce them to Gerber finger foods. Why in my day (my kid is five) I used to just slice up some fruits&veg. I could have bought pre-sliced finger foods! What was I thinking!? This is the sort of thing that might be good on the go. Just like grapes.
The video was originally uploaded on YouTube in 2007 and has since lost its viral appeal. With Gerber's added captions to the video, the re-viral has garnered nearly 200,000 views in just a few weeks. This raises the question of whether virality can be artificially created.
Does anyone know if Gerber or the ad agency is compensating those people in the video and those who created the videos?
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PermalinkI'm assuming that they have cleared the rights, considering how long it has taken, but honestly it wouldn't surprise me if they haven't at all. Wouldn't be the first time.
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