Code cracking recruitment subway ad campaign gets over 800 applicants for job

We've seen this tactic before, and it works. Multisoft is growing and need to hire,, and with this campaign that appeared on public transport in Sweden they had over 800 responses.

In 2020 Multisoft plans to recruit 30 programmers, and this is happening while there is a shortage of system developers eligible. 

In the recently published Business Tendency Survey, 50 percent of listed companies stated that they could not grow at the rate they wanted due to the lack of system developers. Multisoft's HR manager Johan Löf Cervin, who has been a recruiter in the IT industry for 12 years, feels that the problem is getting worse every year and told Resumé about the difficulties in reaching potential recruits. 

- It has required constant channel changes, from traditional media to targeted advertising in social media and head hunting. The target group has also become much more difficult to reach in recent years thanks to the fact that they install adblockers, they remove their phone numbers from directory inquiry sites, they do not allow cookies, they do not have to actively look for work. They are even tired of being looked after by recruiters and I understand them. They get jobs through contacts and recommendations and do not want to be reached by advertising.

The creative solution, make programming problems that area easy to solve as a poster campaign: 

It was a rousing success! They got three years' worth of applications in three weeks at a minimal cost compared to other recruitment campaigns. 27,500 passed the challenge, 40,000 failed. Even those who had the wrong answer received more information about the business, and 854 people applied for the job.

I did say we've seen it before though, EG Canada did it in 2003, and Google did it in 2006

Still, quite nicely done. 

The problems were created by Edvin Lundberg, at Multisoft who snuck both the Collatz conjecture and the fibornacci sequence into the ads. 

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