Emmy Award Commercial Nominees

Yesterday the primetime Emmy nominations were announced, including Oustanding Commercial. This year's list includes the most nominations since the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (ATAS) launched a spot category 11 years ago. While normally there are five nominated commercials for the annual honor, this time around the tally is seven due to a three-way tie in judging tabulations for the fifth highest scoring ad. BBDO New York earned three nominations while Ogivly Mather, Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam, Arnold and Fallon each received one nomination.

BBDO New York chairman/chief creative officer Bill Bruce said that his agency's nominations represent "a great validation of the work we're doing and the insights we're bringing to these brands. The Emmy recognition is very gratifying because it speaks to what we're really driving towards--to create content that stands out, that has entertainment value and that breaks through as a piece of communication."

Animals - American Express
Hungry Man, Production Company
Ogilvy Mather, Ad Agency

Battle - Cingular
BBDO New York, Ad Agency
Park Pictures, Production Company

Happiness Factory - Coca Cola
Wieden Kennedy Amsterdam , Ad Agency
Psyop Production, Production Company

Jar - GE
BBDO New York, Ad Agency
Traktor Production, Production Company

Pinball - Pepsi
Partizan Entertainment, Production Company
BBDO New York, Ad Agency

Singing Cowboy - Truth
Arnold and, Ad Agency
MJZ Production, Production Company

Snowball - Travelers
Fallon Ad, Ad Agency
MJZ Production, Production Company

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My money's on the Happiness Factory.