"the Red Bull Office Games"

Please note - new name: "The Red Bull Office Games"

From all companies that send in videos, eight finalists (according to popular vote) are selected to come and compete for real in the grand final in the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam on the 30th of August. sporting events can be synchronized office chair-dancing, office golf, waste-paper throwing, and whatever else you might get up to. If you check out the site you can find there are a few films of silly office games that you may vote for already.

German-based agency Kastner & Partners worked with Dutch crew Maxim and Falke to create the Dutch Red Bull Office Games event.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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aiiobo's picture

Cute idea, I just wish people had funnier films.

caffeinegoddess's picture

I agree. The films didn't hold my attention.

Dabitch's picture

Like the site, bored with the films is the general concesus around here then. This poses a problem when doing things like this though, should the agency do their own"example films" and sprinkle that throughout the site? True spontanious funny is impossible to script, and I've seen some horrible example even making it so far as to americas funniest videos, where clearly the baseball-bat to the balls-bit was choreographed. They'd run into the same troubles trying to make funny office-olympics films for the web, I'm sure. But without films being fun, what do they have?

A nice site. I like that you can see out the window, that's rather cute.

BuroN98's picture

I liked the Dutch Office Chair competition better.