New shop: Holiday Films open its doors in Toronto.

Executive producers Derek Sewell (formerly of Blink, Toronto) and Josefina Nadurata (formerly of Reginald Pike) and have opened Holiday Films in Toronto.

Holiday Films has an intimate roster of eight directors with diverse skill sets suitable for the changing needs within the advertising market. “Before we even started meeting with directors we met with various agencies to find out what their needs were,” says Derek Sewell. “Holiday is set up to address the changing creative, production and budgetary needs of the market while still maintaining a very hands on creative environment,” continues Sewell.

All of the directors on Holiday’s roster bring extra skill sets to the table. “Holiday is not only a production company”, says Nadurata. “Our mandate is to be a creative resource within our market and provide original creative solutions to our clients,” continues Nadurata.

Neil Abramson is also a still photographer and cinematographer; Sorrel Ahlfeld is a writer, short film maker, editor and animator; Scott Corbett is a former agency copywriter and short film director; Georgie Greville began her career at MTV New York and also directs music videos and spots for fashion brands; Kenan Moran began his career at MTV New York writing, producing and directing, and wrote 3 of the 7 spots for Comedy Central; Aaron Ruell is an award-winning photographer; Edward Schumacher was a writer and producer at numerous US ad agencies including DDB Worldwide; Craig Tanimoto was the creator of Apple’s “Think Different” campaign and was senior creative at TBWA Chiat Day/LA..

View a compilation reel of the Holiday Film director’s work here

Holiday Films is also asking for people to submit their holiday photos so they can be showcased on the Holiday Films website. Photos can be submitted to bonjour - AT -

Holiday Films Roster (Canadian Representation)
Neil Abramson
Sorrel Ahlfeld
Scott Corbett
Georgie Greville
Kenan Moran
Aaron Ruell
Edward Schumacher
Craig Tanimoto

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Congratulations, Jerry Della Femina. It's about time!!!