A tribute to Paul Arden by Tony Kaye.

Tony Kaye uncut. Now, Paul Arden was a big influence on a lot of creative people around the world, bigger than you might imagine, I myself was quite shaken when he died, as I found myself mourning as if it was a family member who had passed. (in other words, I cried like a baby all weekend, which was rather shocking since I don't cry much when family members die). Tony tries to put into word and music what Paul was on about in his last books.

Credits: Tony Kaye

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Neo's picture

He's not a great singer by any means, but that was still rather moving.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

You cried when Paul Arden died? What the hell do you know about Paul Arden?

Dabitch's picture

He was my tutor, mentor and the first person to call on my reference list.