Cola Turka: Chevy Chase with a Turkish mustache shilling a Turkish Cola brand.

The Chevy Chase ad for the Turkish alternative Cola 'Turka' that I told you about yesterday is available to view at Adage today.

Follow this link to their page where they keep the Windows media web version of the commercial.

For your convenience, we've put together all of the Cola Turka ads from the Chevy Chase campaign into one film here.

At the start of the campaign, Chevy Chase is introduced to Cola Turka by a cowboy, who holds Islamic praying beads and enthusiastically discusses the Turkish soccer league champion, Besiktas. As it turns out, the more Cola Turka the cowboy drinks, the more Turkish he acts.

Towards the end of one of the commercials, Chase dons a mustache - a recognizable feature of Turkish men - while his family starts singing a popular nationalist march in Turkish after enjoying Cola Turka.

Demonstrating cultural respect, Chase's children kiss their grandparents' hands before leaving the house, following a Turkish tradition. Additionally, his wife pours a bucket of water into the street behind their car, symbolizing a safe and smooth journey, inspired by another Turkish tradition.

Basically, Cola Turka will make you Turkish!

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caffeinegoddess's picture

I wonder why Chevy. He seems somewhat of an odd choice.

Dabitch's picture

Perhaps he has a Turkish fan club similar to the french fan club of Jerry Lewis?

Robblink's picture

Ugh! Maybe these ads would fly in Turkey, but I think they're awful. And they're both long (over 1:30). Comedians are notorious for rewriting commercial scripts. I'm surprised Chevy didn't take out his red pen and start a whole new re-write. I guess he was too busy counting his Turkish Liras to care.

Does the world really view Americans as baseball loving cowboys?