This charming ad skirts Mentos camp territory by adding some social commentary to the mix. On the subway everyone is so wrapped up in themselves and their smart phones, except for hot girl and hot guy who notice each other from afar, so to speak. The guy comes over and is about to chat her up when his phone buzzes-- and then-- instead of pulling out his smart phone he pulls out Duplo candy "It's for you," he says, and then offers it to her. This is why duplo's tagline is "Probably the smartest praline on the planet." I'll say. That guy's riding the subway express to Bone Town thanks to that candy, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
Client: Ferrero duplo
Agency: DOJO, Berlin
Director: Stevie Russell
Music Supervision: Tracks & Fields
Song: 'Time With You' by Marc Robillard