Durex pun No more

Durex withdraws a poster accused of "promoting casual sex" after three people complained.

A poster and newspaper campaign carrying the line "Roger More" has been banned after the advertising watchdog ruled it was offensive.

The advertising standards authority ordered Durex to take down the posters after three little old ladies from Hastings, uh, I mean members of the public complained the ad was sexist and irresponsible because it could encourage people to indulge in casual sex.

Durex insisted it was promoting safe sex and encouraging responsible behaviour with the campaign. Safe sex requires condoms, so Durex may have a point.


Read more to see the offending ad!

"Advertising is a commercial activity but we believe promoting greater use of condoms is also a socially responsible activity," said John Flaherty, the marketing controller of Durex.

You can read more over at the Guardian, where they point out an interesting loophole:

"A campaign for rival brand Mates escaped censure from the advertising watchdog despite attracting a number of complaints because it used illegal flyposting rather than legitimate poster hoardings.

The ASA said it had received five complaints about the campaign but had to direct them to local councils, which prosecute flyposters.

In other words, flyposters can't be banned by the advertising watchdog. Keep this in mind when you do your next outrageous campaign. ;)

Meanwhile, In China - the ban of advertising condoms is finally liftedBBC reports "China is set to lift a long-term ban on condom adverts as part of efforts to tackle Aids".

"Adverts on condoms have been banned in China since 1989, as part of regulations prohibiting promotions of all products relating the sexual activity.

The United Nations has warned China that 10 million people of its citizens could be infected with HIV - the virus that causes Aids - by the end of the decade."

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anonymous's picture

Was it really only three people who complained? Geez. That's insane!Just because three people couldn't deal with the billboard is no reason to end a great ad. This kind of thing ticks me off.

Here's a related article about outdoor advertising and how you can't get away with as much as you can in other media.