E*TRADE - Are You Type E*? - (2014) :30 (USA)

The all singing all dancing replacement of the E-trade baby. Still quite the whimsical ad as doctors, women in cabs and waiters bounce around singing about trading on E-trade. If this is what they're doing to be a little more serious than the brand was with the dancing chimps and talking babies ... I have news for you. You're still not being very serious. This is a jingle like the Kit Kat ads of yore, and we're singing about 401K's? Really?

That said, good riddance on the creepy talking baby.

Ad agency: Ogilvy

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Aaron's picture

Absolutely loved this commercial and I hope this link never goes down. There was just something about this jingle that has me replaying it over and over. The acting was humorous too. Thanks for posting this ad!