Facebook Home - Always home - (2013) :60 (USA)

Facebook knows that you take out your phone every chance you get because they spy on you, so they designed a phone with Facebook Home always on, so that you can be always on and they can follow you around with more ads. Text from any app and advertisers know where you are all the time. See what your friends are up to on the home screen at all times including that annoying pal who keeps being posting inspirational quotes. Ignore the stars, the sky, the actual world around you as all your virtual pals will know you every move all the time.

You know what? The kids are gonna like it. We may worry about privacy issues, or complain about function, and we may not be all that impressed with a somewhat bland ad that explains features while showing Facebook as omnipresent. But the kids are gonna like this. Facebook has become the friendliest big brother we know.

Facebook developing "Home" for Android

CEO Mark Zuckerberg suggested that "Home" is a means of making Facebook more engrossing and also referred to the size of the opportunity in terms of the captive audience available. He referenced a statistic that the average mobile consumer looks at their lock screen 100 times per day.
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"It's pretty safe to imagine that if you choose to have this Home experience, you're going to be in better touch with your friends and you're going to be consuming more content from Facebook and other partners," he said.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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kidsleepy's picture

Fun fact: The average age of a Facebook user is 40. The average age of social media users in general? 37.

Do any of these people seem that age to you? These guys max out at 29.

Dabitch's picture

The overlay-images on the phones looks a bit off. I mean the digital adding.

AnonymousBully's picture

If Home allows me to have several accounts logged in at once, it'll make my cyber bullying a lot easier.