GAP Voting Campaign - Cameron Sinclair - (2008) :30 (USA)

Cameron Sinclair builds for the future.

Agency: CAA
Producer: Mathew Bijarchi
Creative Director: Jesse Coulter
Art Director: Ben James
Copywriter: Andrew Ault

Production/Animation: Superfad
EP: Kevin Batten
Creative Director/Director: Justin Leibow
Producer: Danielle Hazan
Designers/Animators: Justin Leibow, Adam Greene, Clarice Chin, Miles Kinghorn, Jimmy Thompson, Dylan Spears

Editorial: Final Cut
Editor: JD Smyth
Assistant Editor: Jacob Kuehl
Executive Producer: Saima Awan

Music: Asche and Spencer
Exec Producer: Carol Dunn

Telecine: Co3
Colorist: Stephan Sonnenfeld.

Website: AKQA

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