Get a job at Sterling Cooper- Mad Men Job Interview

OooH, thanks Leslie at burnsautoparts for sending this over, I can't get enough of Mad Men related hype right now, I'm on pins and needles waiting for the season to start again. Play The Mad Men Job Interview - Leslie got a gig as a copywriter and I.... oh my god, I'm an account manager. *sobs*

More visual fun with Mad Men can be had at the fan blog from the the fabulous and opinionated Tom and Lorenzo where each outfit is thoroughly dissected as it shows where the character wearing it is at. Shared this earlier on brandflakesforbreakfast which Bill Green, Ben Kunz and I are baby-sitting while Humongo are touring the states. We promise to keep the baby up late at night and feed it too much soda pop.

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Me, too -- where did we go wrong? Maybe with hard work and perseverance, we can move on to Creative ...

or we could just knock off early and head to the bar.