ghd - Rapunzel - (2009) :30 (UK)

The modern Rapunzel is not only a redhead, she's also quite sneaky. She's not waiting around to be saved from the tower, but for the right escape vehicle.

This ad from RKCR/Y&R is part of a multi-platform campaign for ghd to re-ignite its reputation as one of the UK’s most coveted and innovative hair and beauty brands.

‘Fairytales’, the first campaign created for ghd by RKCR/Y&R since winning the account in July, features a modern day Rapunzel, Red Riding Hood and Cinderella – all characters from well known fairytales who have been given darker, more evolved and empowering personalities.
In these revamped versions of fairytales, the heroines are empowered with a new inspired confidence, all thanks to their newly acquired ghds. Rather than settling for the first Prince that comes their way, they would rather ride off into the sunset in search of their own excitement.
Launching on 13 November on Channel 4, the ad will then roll out across TV, press, web, online homepage takeovers and VOD.
Sarah Lambley, global marketing communications director, ghd commented: “We’re really excited about the launch of our new campaign. The whole ad builds to the end line ‘You Can Do Anything With Your Hair’ which encapsulates the key benefit of the brand: ghd gives women the confidence to play by their own rules”.
Damon Collins, creative director, RKCR/Y&R commented: “ghd is an iconic brand with a history of edgy advertising. The Dark Fairy Tales campaign takes the traditional 'heroine needs rescuing' genre and spins it, elegantly, on its head.”
Ida Rezvani, deputy managing director, RKCR/Y&R says: “ghd is a great brand that women feel really strongly about. ghd helps women feel confident and as a result makes them feel ready to take on the world. The new campaign communicates ghd confidence in an edgy and sassy way.

Company Jemella
Project / Ad title(s) Fairytale
Client (name and job title) Guy Longworth, Global Brand Director
Sarah Lambley, Global Marketing Communications Director
Liz Bryne, Marketing Communications Manager
- Agency RKCR/Y&R
- Writer Adrian Lim
- Art director Steve Williams
- Photographer Tim Brett Day
- Director Eric Hillenberg
- Production co HSI

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