Ghirardelli "Chocolate Carving" (2016) :30 (USA)

A big story told on a mini canvas for Ghirardelli chocolate minis, using VFX to tell the story of the original San Francisco treat.

Agency: FCB West
Creative Director: Kelly McCullough
Art Director: Drew Mesier
Copywriter: Frank Fusco
Senior Producer: Andy Rosenthal
Account Supervisor: Crystal Thomas
Head of Production: Elizabeth Morse

Production Company: Mercy Brothers
Director: Chachi Ramirez
Editor: Jared Sloan
Second Unit Camera: David Broder
Camera Assistant: Thomas Saunders
Producer: Linda Jackson
Executive Producer: Steve Michaels

Studio: Bix Pix Entertainment
Executive Producer: Kelli Bixler
DP: Jeffrey Gardner
Production Design & Talent: Jason Kolowski
Model Makers: Rick O’Brien, Thomas Everts, Brent Johnson, Victoria Cloyes, Luke Matthews, Sadie Nash, Rachel Fisher, Jeff White, Hiroe Goto, Hillary Mattheny
Painters: Robyn Yannoukos, Sean Ghobad

Animation/VFX/Finishing: Brickyard VFX
Head of CG/Creative Director: David Blumenfeld
Motion Design: Anton Thallner
Lead VFX Artist: Mandy Sorenson
Design: Deva George, Sierra Hunkins, Thomas Saunders
3D Scan: Jan Huybrechs
Producer: Britney Frandsen
Senior Producer: Linda Jackson

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