The Glitch – Wie fühlt sich Alzheimer an / How does Alzheimer's feel? (2022) 2:21 (Germany)

This video takes a moment, because it needs to create the atmosphere and a full understanding of what it's like living with Alzheimer's. What is depicted here is what most patients agree they experience, from the sudden scenery changes to the inability to recognize even their own face. This Alzheimer's film shows how lost sufferers feel and how worried those around them are. We see typical everyday situations that pose challenges for affected families. The message of the film: Living with Alzheimer's is painful, and scary and also presents caregivers with great challenges.

The Alzheimer Research Initiative e.V. (AFI) is a non-profit association that has been supporting research projects by committed Alzheimer researchers since 1995 and providing free information material. Those interested and affected can find out more about Alzheimer's disease at and donate to the urgently needed Alzheimer's research.

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