Glossing over evil on Comedy Central

Comedy Central has somehow managed to rope in Ernest Lupinacci in an episode called "glossing over evil". Watch it here if you are equipped with Windows Media Player.

Don't know Ernest Lupinacci work? Have you not seen Shatner in the Priceline commercials?

"It's on - 2002", William Shatner "Uncanny",

Shatner/Nimoy #1,
Shatner/Nimoy #2,
Shatner/Nimoy #3.

[ via adfreak]
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claymore's picture

Mmmm.... Puppy Juice.

Dabitch's picture

I know it's just chocolate milk but when he takes that chunk out it just makes me gag. ;)

Never play the stare-game with Ernest Lupinacci. You'll lose.

amoeba's picture

Good to know, don't try to stare Ernest down if you get an interview with him. He's eerily good at that.

Neaner's picture

Comedy Central rules. That was just too funny.