Graphis annual - and Graphis new talent 2002

Aaah, bless Graphis, for I have in my lap a complete drool package or books I shall review, and then give away in the usual adland recycle style - we don't keep our review books here. But you'll have to work for it. ;-)

Two Books: Graphis Advertising Annual 2002 and Graphis new talent Design annual 2002 are up for grabs kids. Click continue to find out more.

The Graphis Advertising Annual 2002 is slighty different than the usual annuals, while you may recognize some jeep ads, some sports center spreads and some of the usual Hewlett Packard suspects - the rest is a refreshing show of good ads from all over the ad world, Germany, Hong Kong, San Francisco. Most of these you haven't seen before - unless you are an avid reader of Graphis the magazine.

300 pages of freshly squeezed ads in full color glory.

The other book, Graphis new talent 2002 carries a quote from Dan Fern on it's cover: "Design schools are producing the most creative and versatile students ever. Here are some of the best."

Dan's not kidding either. It was a very good year.

Many beautiful fresh examples and new solutions to problems like egg packaging and honey branding , master mind game for the year 2002, graphic logo's with style and wit. This is the creme de la creme of the new creative crop - and this book is well worth a look for those who want to be as inspired as them - their playfulness is contagious.

look out behind you pro's - talented crop has graduated...

You could, naturally go pick this one up at amazon or graphis too, I think it's well worth a permanent space in your inspiration bookshelf.

but if you've been hanging on to the possibility of winning it - here's the game to play:

answer the question "what adgrunts did during summer" by one photograph. A true adgrunt might photograph his bin overflowing with rejected ideas, a remnant of a sniffed spray mount can in alley, a phallic award with a condom on it... *ahem* well you get the general idea - be funny be silly be sarky.
First winner up gets the advertising annual 300 page color heavy book, second runner up gets the new talent book.

The participants need not to live any place in particular - but you do need to be a member of Adland here. I'll mail the winners anywhere on the planet regardless. :)

(if you haven't yet, sign up for the free lifetime membership)

send your digital pictures or scanned images to our email - and sign off with your username here at adland so I know who to credit it too.

images should be a .jpg file (400 x 275 pixels in size please). All entries will be included in an article here after deadline and judging when we announce the winners.

Deadline: September 1 2002. Go on, get silly.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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