Greenpeace "Marmot Licks GoPro" (2014) :48 (USA)

How great is this viral ad of a marmot licking a GoPro? Answer: Really great. Because Greenpeace turned it into an ad. Now I have no idea if they took this footage and turned it into an ad, because it was a happy accident, as they claim, or if they rubbed something on the camera to make it happen, like those staged episodes of that old show, Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom.

Either way, in the original youtube video there is an annotation that tells you to click to learn more about saving the marmot's habitat, which then takes you to Greenpeace's site.

Smart idea. See? You can make ads to save the environment that aren't overly-exploitive or reliant on fear-mongering.

Client: Greenpeace.

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TIL: marmot's are awesome.