Harvey Nichols - The Dress - (2012) :90 (UK)

At the holiday party two ladies discover that they are wearing the same dress. Bring out the laser shooting eyes and a fight worthy of any proper sci-fi! Then at the end.. a hashtag? #Samedress? REALLY?

Oh for the love of Gillard can we please stop it with the #hashtag at the #end of #advertisements now? Hashtags are like footprints in sand, they will soon be run over by waves of spam, don't waste your adspace on something I can not click and that just ruins a perfectly good ad. Twitter hashtags are the "AOL KEYWORD" of the tens. Stop it. Just stop it.

Agency adam&eveDDB

Director Ne-o
Creative Director Ben Tollett
Creative Director Emer Stamp
Art Director Rob Messeter
Copywriter Mike Crowe
Producer Juliet Naylor
Production company Stink
Executive Producer Blake Powell
Visual Effects Iain Murray
DoP Ray Coates
Agency Producer Catherine Cullen
Agency Producer Richard Chambers
Agency Producer Maggie Blundell
Post production Glassworks
Editing Company Marshall Street
Composer Rockbarn
Editor Patric Ryan

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