Hoover - Street Sweeper - (2009) :30 (USA)

The Martin Agency and FilmCore’s Tiffany Burchard show a clean freaks view of the world in this advert for Hoover


Client: Hoover

Spots: After Party, Soul Mate, Street Sweeper, Wedding Vows

Agency: The Martin Agency

Cliff Sorah, v.p./creative director

Danny Robinson, v.p./creative director

Randall Hooker, associate creative director

Eric Dome, creative supervisor

John McAdorey, executive producer

Brian Camp, producer

Production: Furlined

Douglas Avery, director

David Thorne, executive producer

Tanya Stephens, producer

Editorial: FilmCore

Tiffany Burchard, editor

Andrew Linsk, executive producer

Joe Dillingham, assistant editor

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