Ikea "let's relax" (2016) 1:35 (Sweden)

Ikea takes us on a journey to show us how stupid we're being for not just sitting and enjoying our food in this extended historical metaphor.

It's a meal, not a competition. Be here and now.

Client: IKEA
Agency: ACNE
Creative Director: Johan Holmgren
Executive Producer: David Olsson
Art Director: Cecilia Dufils
Copywriter: Markus Bjurman
Creative IKEA: Fredrik Preisler
Creative IKEA: Katie Copeland
Creative Director IKEA: Morten Kjaer
Head of planning IKEA: Morten Lundholm
Project manager IKEA: Mia Malmström
Producer: Fredrik Skoglund
Director: Tompa & Rondo
Director of Photography: Anders Jedenfors
Final Art: Oliver Juan
Production Company: ACNE

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