It's that time of year again - here comes the Adland roundup.

Oh yes, it's the season for lists, lists and yet more lists. Our roundup is set to be even longer than last years (part 1, part 2). To chop it up into smaller, easier digestible parts, I'll start with our adland-centric bestest and mostest title-winners. Read more, you might be mentioned.

Best new adgrunt of the year

This year we couldn't settle one just one. Both adgrunts win two months of super adgruntship juice.

Hidden© for braving to front page post more often than anyone else, 19 posts in total.
deep.ed, what he lacked in front page posts he made up with in trackbacks and comments.

Best commenting adgrunt of the year

Lets not forget the commentators who share insights and jokes with us, just like the new adgrunts, they win 2 months juice just for sharing their two cents.

troymcclure, for comments like this.
CopyWhore for dropping his on the scene eyewitness comments. ;)

Most popular adland links out of the year

We love links, some links were loved more than others.

Bollywood Indian Commercials
way ahead with a nearly a thousand odd hits more than any other shows that the trend of loving Bollywood won't die just yet. the stylish and style finding blog of an advertising agency where links a plenty take you to the latest,the funniest and the prettiest.
and our runner up:
AdverBlog Martina Zavagno nipping on the toes of the lead.

Top rated links

Like the hits, this is settled by you, dear adgrunt, by rating those you like and those you don't.

Niel French's portfolio and are the top rated links, again so lets looks at who had the biggest change kay?
Caffeinegoddess for her caffinated blog Cup of Java, and Ernie Schenck calls this advertising? are the biggest movers in rating points gained this year, closely followed by MacDonald Manufacturing Concern
This certainly is the year of the (ad)blogs.

Most trackbacked article of the year

Trackbacking is fun!

The invasion of the advertising blogs with a 15 trackbacks, probably all from blogs mentioned in the article which was just a list culled from the adlinks. ;) I find that pretty funny for some reason. Runner up:
Banner ads tenth birthday! with 11 Trackbacks, and here I thought people hated banners. ;)

Top most read, Most watched, and most commented.

The score as it stands right this minute when the article is posted.

Top 15 most read articles.

Rats in Quiznos subs? (127369)
Catfight between Miller and AB (71682)
Christina Aguilera is naughty in Skechers ad campaign (30740)
Volvo's spoof within a spoof for the S40- Mystery of Dalarö. (28627)
Banner ads tenth birthday! (20911)
OMFG! - a little abbreviation deviation (20044)
Super Bowl advertisers (19159)
Pizza Hut ad during superbowl: Jessica Simpson and The Muppets (18602)
Top ten reasons we hate using stock - #134 (17299)
Buxom babes for Dove (17228)
AdVent - best horrible line wins! (16976)
Nike viral - watch out for squirrels (16911)
Ford Ka Cat decapitation ad update. (15808)
Pepsi gladiators part two released (15728)
Best ass wins - Sloggi and Daewoo competition.(14951)

Top 15 most commented articles

AdVent - best horrible line wins!
Trivia Chain - are you game?
Rats in Quiznos subs?
Trivia chain game - Round two!
Ogilvy London Hijacked
Trivia Chain game - Round three!
This defies explanation, but the legs garters are quite nice. UPDATED!
Fuse parodies two campaigns in one - gets Apple on the phone
Another chance at making your holiday merry
Paypal froze our assets - newbie super access closed.
Volvo's spoof within a spoof for the S40- Mystery of Dalarö.
The invasion of the advertising blogs
Whats faster than a speeding bullet? Two of them?
Pony - Print campaign - (2004) (USA)
How to get a lion

To 15 most viewed commercials

Kapal Api coffee - Fight - 0:20 (2004) (Malaysia)
Getting into Mother - 0:30 self promo
Office Max - Rubberband Man (2003) - 0:60 (USA)
Budweiser - Donkey - (2004) 0:60 (USA)
Pepsi – Gladiators (2004) (3:00) (UK)
Bud Light - Sleigh - (2004) 0:30 (USA)
SFR - Doctor - (2004) 0:60 (France)
Ford Sportka – Cat (0:30) (2004) (UK)
Budweiser - True - Leon - Rookie (2004) 0:30 (USA)
Mastercard - Homer- (2004) 0:30 (USA)
Bud Light - Chimp - (2004) 0:30 (USA)
Burger King - Mayo (2004) 0:30 (USA)
Magnolia - mango milk - 0:20 (2004) (Singapore)
Bud Light - Good dog Bad dog - (2004) 0:30 (USA)
Budweiser - True - Leon - Sideline (2003) 0:30 (USA)

But of course you want more. Move on to read The AdLand year in review

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