J.P. Wiser's Whisky "The Wiserfund' (2014) :40 (Canada)

J.P. Wiser's Whisky is the whisky that encourages men to live an uncompromising life. Now they've come up with a fundraising site called Wiserfund which helps guys in need. Let the whisky company know why you need funding on their Facebook page and maybe they'll shoot you a couple of bucks. BY "guys in need," I don't mean guys who have real hardships. I mean guys who have to endure the pesky situation of dealing with "demanding women," who want them to do something they're not interested in doing. Like going to the mall to shop, or take a dancing class. Or accepting a dog sweater from your grandmother. Because apparently the men who drink J.P. Wiser Whiskyland live in the 1950s.

Corby Spirit and Wine Media Contact:
Laura Bruce, Senior Brand Manager
Client: J P Wiser's Whisky
Agency: john st.
Creative Director: Angus Tucker & Stephen Jurisic
Art Director: Denver Eastman
Art Director: Kyle Lamb
Copywriter: Jacob Greer
Copywriter: Kurt Mills
Agency Producer: Cas Binnington
Agency Producer: Dale Giffen
Account Team Lead: Ian Brooks
Account Director: Mark Graham
Account Executive: Stuart Milligan
Strategic Planner: Adam Ferraro
Production Company: OPC/FamilyStyle
Director: Max Sherman
Line Producer: Michelle Woodward
Executive Producer: Harland Weiss, Donovan Boden & Liz Dussault
Editing Facility: Rooster Post Production
Editor: Izzy Ehrlich
Assistant Editor: Rebecca LaFortune
Producer: Yumi Suyama
Exec. Producer: Melissa Khan
Finishing: Fort York
Lead Flame Artist: James
Producer: Erica Bourgault-Assaf
Digital Production: Jam3
Creative Director: Adrian Belina
Executive Producer: Graham Budd
Producer: Greg Benedetto
Designer: Nixson Sysanga
Design Lead: Vinicius Araujo
Developer: Stephen Coleman
VFX: The Vanity
Artists: Sean Cochrane & Naveen Srivastava
Audio House: Grayson Matthews
Colour: Alter Ego
Colourists: Tricia Hagoriles
Assistant: Patrick Samaniego

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Dabitch's picture

ooooh. So this is Whisky for wusses?

kidsleepy's picture

Whisky for chauvinists?