Kettle Chips - Commerce Parading as Entertainment - 2009 - 45-Australia

Client brief: Do an ad beer drinkers will like. Reposition the chip as prestigious but laconic Australian. Own the notion that slower cooked is better. Use hot chicks.

“The shoot didn’t suck.” Andy McKeon, National Worldwide Chief Creative Executive Partner Associate Senior Vice Art Director Writer Director.

“The shoot really didn’t suck.” Paul Tredennick, Marketing Manger, Snack Brands Australia.

“Why aren’t I in the final cut?” Chick in the purple dress.

Agency: Bulldozer Inc
Client: Snack Brands Australia
Product: Kettle Chips
Title: Commerce Parading as Entertainment

Client Team: Matt Jenkins, Paul Tredennick, Karl Lucas

Agency Producer: Wendy Gillies
Executive Creative Director/writer/art director: Andy McKeon
Account Management: Nik Witcombe, Caroline McLaughlin

Production Company - Prodigy
Director - Tim Bullock
Producer - Ben Swaffer
Casting - Joseph Wijango - i4Casting
Editor - Craig Wilson - Images Post
Flame - Stuart Cadzow - FSM
Sound - Damien Waddell - Stellar / FSM

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