Law Offices of Esteban Gergely "Honeymoon" (2014) :30 (USA)

Very simple observation of what happens when a user deletes a Youtube video, turns into a smart ad for a divorce lawyer. Nice inspired Youtube title, too. I would have put it in the title of this article but the symbols always screw up:

Client: Law Offices of Esteban Gergely
Agency: Wing
Favio Ucedo, Chief Creative Officer
Facundo Paglia, Senior Copywriter
Marc Duran Copywriter
Brian Novoa, Art Director
Production: Keyla Hernandez, Producer
Editorial: Alejandro Ussa, Editor
Account: Daniel Gergely, Director of Business Development
Andrés Tello, AAE of Business Development

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Video was removed! :(

Dabitch's picture

That's the concept.