Link Lust: Bad stats, The Shining and Ad weeks biggest flop

Influx insights shows us that the Brits might have confused blogging with dogging, or "lies damned lies and statistics" these numbers make no sense.

Adgrunt Jasper reminds us that music really is 80% of a commercial by sending us this uncredited trailer where an editor has had way too much fun with the source material:
The Shining Redux
- the feel good movie of the year? Perhaps!

Adfreak calls the ad amateur night at the Apollo a "train wreck", where paying punters had to be exposed to terrible inside ad-gags and Juan Valdes on stage. Oh man that sounds like utter crap.

"The theater’s notoriously brutal and finicky crowd booed the first two industry performers off the stage before settling down, inexplicably, for a magician and scantily clad Mambo dancers. Among the other ill-conceived show stoppers were Juan Valdez, whose donkey was led on stage without him and McGruff the Crime Dog, who was quietly accepted—though an attempt to show one of his film strips faced technical difficulties and the ire of an impatient crowd. The Pillsbury Doughboy and Kool-Aid, both of whom bounced along to the music from balcony perches, didn’t draw any disrespect, but when they were trotted into the hallway during intermission, most theater-goers sauntered up to the theater’s own 8-foot “Tall Man,” leaving Pills and Kool in the cold. I arrived at the Apollo Theater excited just to see a show at the legendary house, but I left at intermission, shaking my head at the culture clash I had just witnessed. Amateur Night at The Apollo Theater is about authentic, unvarnished talent taking the stage knowing full well that their ego might take some lumps. It is not about polished ad types foisting their focus-grouped “icons” on an annoyed crowd who paid good money for a show. It seems the organizers of this event, sponsored by MTV and Levi's, should have first considered the ad industry’s golden rule before elbowing their way into this contest: Know your audience."

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From NY Times:

A few weeks back, he said, he entered a contest for editors’ assistants sponsored by the New York chapter of the Association of Independent Creative Editors. The challenge? Take any movie and cut a new trailer for it — but in an entirely different genre. Only the sound and dialogue could be modified, not the visuals, he said.

Mr. Ryang chose “The Shining,” Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 horror film starring Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall. In his hands, it became a saccharine comedy — about a writer struggling to find his muse and a boy lonely for a father. Gilding the lily, he even set it against “Solsbury Hill,” the way-too-overused Peter Gabriel song heard in comedies billed as life-changing experiences, like last year’s “In Good Company.”

What's great about this is that Jack Nicholson really does play that same character in horror flicks and romantic comedies.

Dabitch's picture

Too true.