Link Lust: I Don't Know Why I Link You

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts awards its international advertising campaign development to BETC Luxe - Following a global agency pitch, the international luxury hotel and resort group Shangri-La has awarded BETC Luxe in Paris (part of the Euro RSCG network), the development of its new global brand campaign. The launch is scheduled for September 2007 and includes TV and print.

Watch Via Worldwide as they rebrand as Plaid.

Looking for color palette ideas? Check out the community at or hit for inspiration or create your own palettes.

USA Today reports on marketers creating their own shows.

Valerie Bertinelli joins Kirstie Alley in new ad campaign for Jenny Craig. "Bertinelli, who hopes to shed 30 pounds by Christmas, will keep fans abreast of her battle of the bulge via regular video and blogs on, along with helpful tips to aid the weight-challenged."

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