The London Police Mural, before Springer & Jacoby painted over it.

Ah, remember that London Police mural we spoke of only yesterday? Well, thanks to happy 180:er Mark Kenny we have a picture of what it once looked like before Springer & Jacoby moved in and made it all go away with a few buckets of standard white paint.

A moment of silence, please.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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James Trickery's picture

Nice! Like a giant cloud on a blue sky. Shame they painted over that.

caffeinegoddess's picture

I like the idea of something on the ceiling. I'd give me something interesting to look at while I'm thinking. Anyone else stare upwards while concepting?

anothercopywriter's picture

Always! The air-conditioning vent above my desk is made of exactly 39 connected metal pieces.

Dabitch's picture

Of course! But that is because I'm lying down, see?

39 huh? hehe.

suddenwaffle's picture

Their agency looks pretty messy. Like my bedroom.