Mad Men celebrate secretaries day by showing a Chief of Copy & an agency partner

Staying true to the 60s casual sexism, Mad Men AMC just tweeted a "Happy Secretaries day" from their official account, sharing an image of the always fabulous Joan Holloway and the ever ambitious Peggy Olsen. Despite the fact that Peggy Olsen is a copy chief at SC&P, and Joan Holloway is a managing partner at SC&P. I guess they'll always be secretaries in some peoples eyes.

Or maybe I could read it as: "Look, these ladies started as secretaries too. Let's celebrate every woman who ever was a secretary.", which I'm cool with because that means I should get flowers today too! Send me something that I'm not allergic to!

In advertising, us creatives may not have personal assistants (yet), or secretaries but we often start as, or have, juniors ready to bristol board anything for our seniors. Lets high five our juniors today. They might, like Joan and Peggy, run the place tomorrow. ;)

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