Miami advertising in Gothenburg have been playing the small nimble underdog to the local major agencies for eight years now, and have outgrown the role of "newbies" as they land ever larger pieces of business. Time for a restart. As one of the founders - Gustaf Inger - has left Miami to pursue other opportunities, the other founder Fredrik Olsson said "Perhaps I felt the need to go to the extreme other direction, to keep everything balanced." He branded himself with the Miami advertising logo, in the form of a large ink tattoo in his available shoulder. Fredrik already has two other tattoos but this one signifies more than just commitment, as the permanently sunny outlook of Miami agency is a way of life. Will any other Miami employees be asked to ink the logo onto them? "Anyone else wanting to become a partner, yes, why not?" The ink job took two hours, and was finished yesterday at 4pm. src="">small nimble underdog to the local major agencies for eight years now, and have outgrown the role of "newbies" as they land ever larger pieces of business. Time for a restart. As one of the founders - Gustaf Inger - has left Miami to pursue other opportunities, the other founder Fredrik Olsson said "Perhaps I felt the need to go to the extreme other direction, to keep everything balanced." He branded himself with the Miami advertising logo, in the form of a large ink tattoo in his available shoulder. Fredrik already has two other tattoos but this one signifies more than just commitment, as the permanently sunny outlook of Miami agency is a way of life. Will any other Miami employees be asked to ink the logo onto them? "Anyone else wanting to become a partner, yes, why not?" The ink job took two hours, and was finished yesterday at 4pm.