Milk West "Snack Time: Camping" (2014) :30 (Canada)

In yet another installment of Milk West's animated web series Snack Time, the Milk carton and his buddies find themselves trapped in an elevator. Undeterred, the milk carton proceeds to tell his friends about a much worse experience when he went camping. Very silly stuff, but the kids will like it. (And that's who it's meant for.)

Client: Milk West
Agency: DDB Canada Vancouver
Executive Creative Directors: Dean Lee, Cosmo Campbell
Creative Director: Josh Fehr
Associate Creative Director: Neil Shapiro
Copywriter: Neil Shapiro
Art Director: John Larigakis
Agency Producer: Matthew Sy
VP, Client Services Director: Patty Jones
Account Director: Svetlana Connolly
Account Coordinator: Natasha D’Souza
Strategy: Rob Newell, Matt Nelson
Social Media Strategy: Derek Lau, Jacqueline Lee
Media Company: OMD Vancouver
Audio House: Wave Productions (
Audio House Producer, Sound Design: Craig Warrian
Voice Over Talent: James Heguchi, Adrian Petrew, Brian Drummond, Donny Lucas, Jason Simpson, Kelly Sheridan
Animation Company: Yeti Farm Creative (
Animators: Todd Ramsay, Svend Gregori, Jon Izen, Vincenzo Zumpano, Brad Gibson, Daniel Falk
Media Agency: OMD Vancouver
Digital Supervisor: Diana Walter

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