More spoof ads (including milk..)

Benetton ad 1996

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery......


Benetton's ads should be familiar to most of you, we've all seen this one (above), right?

And here's the spoof. Can't help it, It cracks me up! Cars making baby cars!


Now for Milk ad spoofs.

Most Americans are familiar with the east coast milk ads, featuring various famous people sporting milk mustaches ... (Which by the way , is exactly the same as a Swedish campaign that ran in the early eighties and I, unfortunately, can't get images of. Any help will be truly appreciated, especially if you score the ad with Cyndee Peters and her "milk mustache".)



And here's Esquires spoof, featuring Divine and a mustache of some milky-looking liquid, *ahem*.


Not a true ad-spoof..since they aren't advertising anything, but funny still. ;))

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