New ad media: the back of envelopes.....™ think they have a winning concept with their free postage paid advertising supported envelopes available to anyone that lives in the US. Seriously, you can stop bothering with stamps now as long as you're cheap enough to use advertising supported envelopes. Nothing signals "I care" as much as a handwritten perfume-drenced love-letter with a Pizza-hut coupon on the back.

Their press release states

"The genius of the concept is the simple way it brings together an item everyone uses and two popular marketing methods together using a simple truth. is equivalent to getting mailing supplies for free, the effort supported by two types of advertising. Ads are printed on the back of the envelope. In exchange for totally free mailings, users simply agree to receive email advertising messages once a week."
which is probably a nice way of saying "we're gonna spam the crap out of you".

It continues

Envelopes are the medium of choice because they posses significant advantages over other paper-based means of marketing. "Why envelopes? They do not get thrown away like paper flyers, email spam, mail spam, or newspaper ads. In fact they are circulated to other people," said Nwosu. Paired with email advertising, presents end users and advertisers with an unbeatable combination.
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