The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation - blob - (2009) :60 (New Zealand)

Colenso BBDO, Auckland and The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation have translated breast cancer into a sinister growing blob - because if you ignore the problem, it only grows. First, they ran a TVC where a seemingly harmless blob grows to take over the family home. The, as an ambient installation they did the same thing "live" so to speak. A rather harmless pinkish blob was ignored by pedestrians for hours, but it only grew... eventually blocking the entire street.

Client: The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
Agency: Colenso BBDO, Auckland
Creatives: Nick Worthington : Executive Creative Director
Lisa Fedyszyn : Creative
Jonathan McMahon : Creative
gemma heyes : Agency Producer
Helen Naulls : Producer

Production Company: Robber's Dog
Account Director: Jo Wealleans, Gemma Findlay, Janelle Van Wonderen
Account Manager: Jessica Blake
Planner: Hayley Pardoe
Client contact: Suzanne Nichol, Heather Shotter

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mpared's picture

i think this is way scary..... me no like it !