Britney bans bad billboard ads using her bald head

The Smoking Gun reports 'Britney ballistic over billboards' and the ex-pop tart may sue for "nut job" advertisements using her bald head. The ads area headlined "Total Nut Jobs," "Shock Therapy," and "Certifiable." clearly questioning Britney's sanity, and while her lawyer doesn't touch on weather she is nuts or not he claims Spears's "likeness has a multi-million-dollar value for authorized commercial exploitations" and, as a result, she is entitled to "very substantial damages" from Clear Channel.

Note, not sure if the headlines "Total Nut Jobs," "Shock Therapy," and "Certifiable." are talking about Britney or the hacks who created these shite ads.

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Tamrhind's picture

The epithets could apply to both Brit & the adpersons , couldn't they?