About Adland

Adland was founded as an old fashioned website back in the spring of 1996 by Dabitch - Åsk Wäppling.

The core idea was to provide a forum where one could bitch, rant, and gossip about advertising while we would be collecting ads of all media for reference, and gather all likeminded adgrunts to join in while showing off their ad-work.

In 2000 we restructured with RSS feeds, user logins, and a nice fat database to become a user-generated advertising community, or a blog, or both depending on who you ask. Åsk Dabitch never called it a blog and doesn't think the term is suitable. This does make us the world's very first advertising blog. We still think it's just adland mind you.

We keep using the royal we to make you feel included, dear member, as adland is more than the sum of its parts but you are an important part. We have now grown to over ninety thousand members and sixty thousand commercials collected and have the world's largest Super bowl commercial collection in the world (both on and offline). 

Dabitch and the core crew work on Adland pro-bono. Yes, that means we don't get paid for this. Servers cost money to run, however, and don't work for glory. You can always contact Dabitch via hostmaster AT adland .TV

If you wish to submit ads log in and do so. We moderate the pages and comments to avoid spam.

Adland in the Wikipedia: English, Danish

We've tried to collect all press clippings / our fifteen megabytes of fame regarding Adland here, and there is a summary of the design, press, and technical history on Dabitch's personal website. For example, here's a rundown on the Chinese Olympic ad hubub (and death threats), here's The NYT using adland as reference in their Superbowl research, and here's an article published way back in 1998 "She puts plagiarized ads on the web".

There are originals and the there are all the me-too's. Adland was there first. This isn't a corporate site disguised as a blog. It's the real thing. Dabitch rocks.

- Luke Sullivan, creative director & author of Hey Whipple, squeeze this!

The best fucking ad blog in the Universe... AdScam is second...

-George Parker author of Madscam and the blog Adscam

If you simply scratch the surface, it feels like Ad Critic's snarky overseas cousin has been kibitzing with a healthy dose of MetaFilterati. Dig past the digital dermis and it's apparent that there's a lot more to Adland than archived commercials and communal media schmear.

- Grant Hutchinson at Veer

Adland is a pretty amazing advertising community site, with over 10,000 ads online and discussion boards galore. Marco calls it "a MetaFilter for ad- and ad-obsessed people."

- Cory Doctorow Boingboing

If you use TiVo to skip the show and watch the commercials, you ought to visit Adland, also sometimes known as Commercial Archive, ad-rag.com and Badland (those are also now the names of Adland sections.)

- Travis F. Smith Variety

Dabitch is our hero.

- John January and Tug McTighe original advertising podcasters at Americancopywriter

Åsk kan så mycket trivia om reklam att det är sjukligt. [Åsk knows so much trivia about advertising that it is unhealthy.]

- Maria Lindholm, journalist Resumé

Dabitch at Eurobest in Amsterdam