Andy Warhol's "Olympics" not good enough during the Olympics

Businessweek reports that Chinese Officials Nix Warhol Exhibition.

Officials say there is no "Chinese art only" policy, but 18 Warhol works slated for a gallery exhibit will spend the Olympics in a warehouse. [snip] The gallery had tried to curate the show with China's sensitivities in mind. For example, Warhol's famous silkscreen portraits of Chairman Mao were not part of the 18-piece collection. The works include portraits of tennis star Chris Evert, soccer legend Pelé, baseball Hall of Famer Tom Seaver, and boxing great Muhammad Ali, as well as images of Michael Jackson, Sitting Bull, and crime boss John Gotti.

Me, I love Warhol (after hating everything he did all through art school, go figure) - get those paintings out of customs so I can set up my own little exhibition in my living room please! :) (The ad-relation? Please, everyone knows Warhol intended to become a commercial illustrator but then thank god, decided to have a lot more fun just bing Warhol instead. )

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