An old BK ad is a sudden symbol of defiance from Brussels

The old advert seen above was initially created by Y&R Auckland Dairy Flat branch of the fast food restaurant, which is located on North Island of New Zealand and is a last stop before a $2 toll booth. If you stopped for a meal, you'd get $2 off their bill if you spent $10 or more, and that would be your little flipping of a fry to toll booths. Nobody likes toll booths!

Yesterday when the terrorist attacks happened in Brussels, home of Tintin, the European Parliament, and creators of the world's original fries, the fry-finger found new life on social media. The image was tweeted, posted to Instagram and found of facebook and shared and took on a new life and meaning in wake of the attacks.

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Mark Neuman's picture

Someone must have had the bright idea to image google it.