Pimp-Mon-Mobile.com : a new viral video by Nokia (France)

Nokia has just launched a new viral video to promote its Nokia 6600 phone towards teenagers and students on the French market.

Pimp-mon-mobile.com is a humorous parody of the popular MTV show "Pimp my ride". In this show, selected teenagers get their old crappy car tuned and optimized by Xzibit and its team of talented technicians.

Instead of old cars tuning, the video (created by Culture-buzz, a European buzz and viral marketing agency) is this time all about phone tuning here.

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MaryWills's picture

Ugh! I had hoped the Pimp My [X] fad had passed already.

kamari's picture

Me too. Quite tired. This was funny though. Perhaps the "pimp-my" show(s) ran recently in France.